Week 15 Story: The Emperor's Old Suit
There once was a wealthy land governed by a wealthy emperor. The emperor prided himself in his intelligence and efficiency. Due to this, he took no time to change his clothes and wore the same outfit every day of his rule. His chiefs and councilors praised his brilliance and dedication. BUT they were appalled by his dressing habits. His royal robes were once bright and colorful, but now were dingy and soiled. They smelled and the royal advisors could not stand to be within three feet of the emperor and his old robes. Now in the land came two swindlers. They impressed the subjects of the kingdom with flashes of magic and illusion. They heard of the emperor and his smelly clothes. They approached his court with the promise of a magical bath bomb that they could throw at the emperor to make him clean again. The court was eager to get their hands on this bath bomb. They agreed to pay whatever price the two swindlers asked for. The swindlers set up shop. They asked ...