Time Strategies for This Class
My weekly schedule is set so that I will complete both readings on Monday, do the storytelling and blog commenting assignments on Tuesday and will complete the project related assignments on Thursday. Initially, I think this will be an easy schedule to keep. I'm going to take the advice to try to work ahead and complete additional extra credit assignments when I have the time.
During the semester, I live and breathe by my color-coded planner. I try to maintain a bird's eye view of the month with important deadlines as well as specific daily checklists for each week.
I read the Psychology of Checklists and Time Management Tips Just for Creatives articles. I am a firm believer in checklists and I enjoy the "SMART" acronym about setting realistic goals. I definitely believe that completing checklists makes your dopamine receptors go nuts. After I have had a long productive day, I feel like throwing myself a mini party. I enjoy the aspect of energy that the second article talks about. Often, I neglect important tasks leaving me with insufficient energy to complete my checklist for the day. I really like the phrase "plan to your productivity strengths" because it is a good reminder that I operate differently than everyone else, and that's okay. This article comes full circle, saying that ending your day with a checklist increases productivity for the next day.
During the semester, I live and breathe by my color-coded planner. I try to maintain a bird's eye view of the month with important deadlines as well as specific daily checklists for each week.
I read the Psychology of Checklists and Time Management Tips Just for Creatives articles. I am a firm believer in checklists and I enjoy the "SMART" acronym about setting realistic goals. I definitely believe that completing checklists makes your dopamine receptors go nuts. After I have had a long productive day, I feel like throwing myself a mini party. I enjoy the aspect of energy that the second article talks about. Often, I neglect important tasks leaving me with insufficient energy to complete my checklist for the day. I really like the phrase "plan to your productivity strengths" because it is a good reminder that I operate differently than everyone else, and that's okay. This article comes full circle, saying that ending your day with a checklist increases productivity for the next day.
Motivational Words. Web Source: Her Campus
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