Introduction to a (bad) Aquarius

Hi, my name is Haley. I am a junior studying Biology with a minor in Religious Studies. I am also thinking about tacking on a minor in Spanish. I really love learning and Biology allows me to use more analytical parts of my brain while Religious Studies allows for some creativity. Together, I believe these two areas of study provide a well-rounded balance of coursework that keeps me busy and engaged. That being said, my favorite learning experiences in college haven't come from classes, they've come from my involvement with the Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth. This is an internship program that uses problem-solving tactics to consult with companies around the country. This internship has taught me professionalism and how to work with a team.

Aside from classes and internships, I have very little time to myself. If I have free time I'm either sleeping, cooking, or grabbing coffee with friends. I love to cook and I aspire to be that coworker in the office who brings the best homemade goods to potluck office parties. I love to cook fish and chicken and have recently discovered a dill/lemon sauce that will make any salmon the talk of the town. I'm always experimenting with pasta sauces of all kinds, but I have quite the affinity for tomatoes and basil. I'm an Aquarius, but I don't act like one so horoscopes are always disappointing for me.

And now for a few favorites:
My favorite movie comes in a series of eight and you've guessed it--- it's Harry Potter. However, my favorite book is Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (sorry JK Rowling but your imagery and depth of language has nothing on Ellison). My favorite color is purple, but lately I've really been vibing with olive green. My favorite way to spend a Saturday would be to go to brunch in Midtown OKC and then spend the day at the zoo and get ice cream afterwards.

If I had to pick a spirt animal I would pick a moose.

SO that's me in a nutshell.

Photograph by Shin Yoshino. Web Source: National Geographic


  1. What a great major/minor combination, Haley! And I am always so excited when there are CEW students in this class; that is a really amazing OU program, and I am always impressed when I see the different kinds of projects students are working on. Maybe you need to do some kind of fish-inspired project for this class... as you can guess, there are lots of stories about fish and other denizens of the water-world! Meanwhile, the legend of Aquarius has over time become connected to the story of Ganymede, a story you might meet up with in class if you do this Ovid unit: Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 8-10) ... more at Wikipedia about Aquarius and Ganymede:
    Aquarius: Myth

  2. Hey Haley!

    I think your major choices are perfect. It will definitely give you a well-rounded education! I was a biology major my freshman year, but I gained an interest in international studies so I changed my major. Biology is so interesting, and religious studies is too!

    I am similar to you, I have very little time to myself. I love to cook, and I absolutely love pasta. Pasta is my favorite food by far. And it is so easy to cook and experiment with!

  3. Hi Haley! Pasta make up about 99% of my diet so I totally feel you with your sauce experimentation. And I totally love the zoo! Have you been to the OKC one recently. Two words- Baby. Tigers. And they are so adorable. I went late last semester and they were all out and playing with each other- I have never seen anything like it!

  4. Hi Haley!
    How cool that you are a biology major! I'm HES so kind of in the same realm, go science majors :) I love cooking as well- and especially pasta! The dill/lemon sauce sounds like the Also like you, I have very little time to myself so I understand your pain! but it's always nice when you do get that time. I'm looking forward to following your blog this semester!

  5. Hi, Haley!
    Biology and RELS is such an interesting combination; I wonder how those pair together, and imagine that the content in one course can occasionally contradict another. I'm taking the RELS course Genesis: In the Beginning this semester, and loving it so far! I definitely recommend taking it, if you have the chance in the future.

    I also love grabbing coffee and ice cream with friends! In fact, I've resolved this year to have ice cream every Tuesday, and am contemplating opening up my own scoop shop later in life.

    However, I'm most curious about your spirit animal. Why the moose?

  6. Hi Haley, I'm Naomee. I am also an Aquarius, as my birthday is on January 21st. I think Zodiac signs and horoscopes are fascinating, especially when they actually reflect or predict one's future. My spirit animal is the elephant and I love how we get to learn about these fabulous creatures and their significance in India in this class. In high school, I thought I wanted to major in Biology but after my first Psychology course freshman year, I decided to pursue that along with pre-medical studies. Anyway, best of luck with the semester and I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  7. How funny that your spirit animal is a moose! Any particular reason? I took a developmental psychology course and for giggles, we did a personality test to find out our spirit animals. Turns out I am a donkey because I am stubborn. And I have a green personality?? Olive green is an awesome color so, I totally think you should switch over! I'm more into a inside-of-an-avocado-green color myself, but I'll root for any green over purple! And now finally, I will be that person... I totally love Harry Potter as well. I even have a Harry Potter tattoo... and the next like 4 I have lined up in my head are Harry Potter. Guess I'm obsessed!

  8. Haley,

    I'm actually surprised by the number of people that I know that are pursuing both Biology and Religious Studies. I'm not sure why the combination is so popular, but it certainly seems to work. Also, purple is undoubtedly my favorite color. Its the color of Rom and the color of royalty, and honestly just the best one all around. Also props to your for ICCEW!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Haley! That is really cool that you are pursuing a degree in Biology and minoring in Spanish and Religious Studies. Also, I think that is awesome that you like the Harry Potter movie series because I really love it too. I mention Harry Potter quite a bit in my introduction blog, so it is nice to meet another person who enjoys it!

  11. Hi Haley!

    I really liked you minor since that's one I don't see very often! I would highly suggest going for that Spanish Minor because languages are a great tool to have! I would love to work at your office if you bring yummy pot lucks! You are also another person who put their astrological sign so I getting more curious to look into those! And who doesn't love Harry Potter! I recently got the latest book to read after finishing the series a long time ago!

  12. Hi Haley! Love that your title has a Zodiac reference - I love Zodiac signs. I'm a Taurus, but I'm friends with a lot of Aquariuses! Having Spanish as a minor would be so beneficial. I took Spanish 1-3 and wasn't bad at it, but didn't want to have to take so many more classes. I love HP too - have you been to Harry Potter World at Disney?? You have to go if not! Good luck this semester.

  13. Hi Haley! I love that you are so passionate about a well-rounded education, that is something that has always been important to me too! I am graduating this semester but I am getting a degree in microbiology and psychology with a minor in chemistry. But I have taken a ton of classes that are not within my degree plan just to round out my education. I think it is so important to come to college not just to get a degree but to broaden your mind and really create a perspective that you can go improve the world with, and it sounds like you are doing just that. I can't wait to read some of your stories!

  14. Hi Haley! First of all, I really like the way your blog is set up! It's very different than all the others that I have seen! It sounds like you're passionate about a lot of things and I think that is amazing and really important! I also like how you are involved and stay busy because I like to be busy too! Good luck this semester!

  15. Hi Haley! I love that you gave us so much information about yourself, ranging from your major, what you like to do, etc. I can relate to your passion for aspiring to be the coworker with the good baked goods. I love to bake, so I love sharing them with others as well. It really sounds like you've found your passions not only in school but in life in general. I enjoyed reading your introduction blog, and look forward to reading other posts!

  16. Hey Haley! Your major and minor combination is a very interesting one. What are your plans for these fields of study? Are you interested in doing research, teaching, going to med-school, or is there something else that has caught your attention that you want to pursue? I think you should totally go for the Spanish minor. I recently added a Spanish minor and I'm so excited about it. Learning languages is a great step towards learning and experiencing another culture.

  17. Hey Haley, nice to meet you! I'm surprised that I haven't met everyone in the class yet, but maybe I will by the end of the semester. I am interested by your major, what do you plan to do with that in the future? I have had the same major since I got to OU so I am very interested in what other peoples majors are and what kind of field they want to go into. I also love to cook, but my roommates say that I need to work on it a little more. I guess it is something that you get better at as you get older, right? I sure hope so. Nice meeting you!


  18. Hi Haley! I think that it is funny that you like the Harry Potter movies as well as Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I also love the Harry Potter movies but I did not really enjoy Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Not to be confused with The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells (which I do actually like funnily enough). I read Invisible Man in high school and maybe I wasn’t mature enough back that but it was not a particularly fun read.

  19. Hi Haley! I'd say that it sucks to hear you have so little time to yourself, but it seems like you still manage to enjoy your time and spend it with friends. The Harry Potter movies are great (although I will admit that there are definitely times during them when I get annoyed at the deviations from the books).

    A moose, huh? I'd be interested to hear exactly why that's your spirit animal!

  20. Hi Haley! I'm from the Indian Epics course and I am checking out some of the Mythology and Folk-lore blogs! I really like your intro and I think it is super cool that you are into Harry Potter! I never got into that but it seems really popular! I'm excited to read some of your stories!


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